My name is Birgit O'Connor. Birgit O'Connor is known for her signature style of painting vibrant, realistic watercolors. She has been teaching the art of watercoloring for many years, and her expertise in this field is unmatched. Through her online classes, she has helped countless students from all over the world to master the techniques of watercoloring. When you choose.
When someone's talent ignites a flame in you, something incredible happens. Birgit O’Connor P.O. Box 828 Bolinas CA 94924 Title: Birgit O’Connor Bio - Google Docs Created Date: 20200212014224Z. Birgit O'Connor: books, biography, latest update
Birgit O'Connor is known for her signature style of painting vibrant, realistic watercolors. She has been teaching the art of watercoloring for many years, and her expertise in this field is unmatched. Author: Birgit OConnor - Artists Network
My name is Birgit O’Connor. I was born in Hamburg Germany and came to the United States when I was 10 months old. My father was a master lithographer and my mother was a housewife and an amazing photographer. Birgit O’Connor Watercolors: Take a Look in Her Studio
Birgit currently lives in the small coastal town of Bolinas, just north of San Francisco, California. Known mostly for her large award winning floral paintings, Birgit is also an author of the best-selling North Light books “ Watercolor in Motion”, “Watercolor Essentials” and “Paint.
WORKSHOPS / EVENTS - Birgit O'Connor Watercolors
Birgit O'Connor is a self-taught watercolorist with decades of experience with the medium. She shares 25 key tips for painting a watercolor flower. Watercolor artist Birgit O'Connor focuses on shape, shadow and color to transform a small pansy into a bold composition. Birgit O'Connor - Biography
A self-taught watercolor artist, Birgit O'Connor specializes in florals and landscapes and has developed interesting techniques for painting rocks and sand. GUEST ARTIST: “Enjoying The Journey Of Watercolor” by Birgit ... M y name is Birgit O’Connor. I was born in Hamburg Germany and came to the United States when I was 10 months old. My father was a master lithographer and my mother was a housewife and an amazing photographer.Birgit Oconnor, 64 - Norwalk, CT - Reputation & Contact Details Birgit O’Connor is an award-winning master watercolor artist, bestselling author, and sought-after instructor. Her work has been included in collections throughout the world and has been published in over 60 national and international artist publications.Birgit O'Connor - Biography Birgit believes that painting it is not about what you see at first glance but it is more about the emotional connection to her subject. The form is the language and the content the voice. She feels that as artists we are here to share our gifts with others, and that art is a valuable healing experience for both the creator and the observer.
Birgit O’Connor Birgit O’Connor, was born in Hamburg Germany ...
Birgit OConnor is known for Floral study. In Summer, , won first place in the Louisiana Watercolor Society International competition in New Orleans. She lives in Northern California. Birgit O'Connor - California Watercolor Association
Birgit O’Connor creates in the space she’s recreating on paper. Plus, take a look inside the watercolor artist and Teachable creator’s coastal California studio.